The Stop Light System: Guiding You Through Exercise with Confidence

Hey there,

Are you someone who experiences pain during exercise? If so, I want to introduce you to a game-changing system that will empower you to navigate your workouts with confidence. It's called the Stop Light System, and it's a simple yet effective tool that physiotherapists like myself use to help patients like you make informed decisions about your exercise routine. So, let's dive right in!

  1. Green Light: Go, Go, Go! Imagine a bright green light shining before you. It's a symbol of freedom from pain. When you see this light, it means you're good to go! Proceed with your exercises, pushing your limits and challenging yourself as your strength allows. Feel the burn, embrace the intensity, and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with pushing beyond your comfort zone. You've got this!

  2. Yellow Light: Proceed with Caution When you encounter a yellow light, think of it as a gentle reminder to proceed with caution. It's a sign that there might be a low level of pain, which could even align with your primary symptoms. However, the goal here is for the pain to decrease as you continue the exercise. Pay close attention to your body's signals. Do you feel the tissues warming up? Are you gradually gaining strength? If so, keep going! But remember, listen to your body and be ready to modify the exercise if needed. You're in control!

  3. Red Light: Halt and Reassess Red light, stop right there! If you experience pain that starts during exercise and worsens as you progress, it's time to put on the brakes. This is a clear signal that the exercise may be placing excessive stress on your tissues, and continuing could lead to overloading your injury. Take a pause, modify the exercise, or even seek guidance from a trusted healthcare professional like me. We'll work together to tailor your routine and ensure you're on the right track to recovery.

Remember, the Stop Light System is all about tuning in to your body's needs. It's your personal roadmap to exercise success. Trust yourself, make adjustments when necessary, and don't hesitate to reach out for professional support.

So, the next time you embark on your workout journey, visualize those lights: green means go, yellow signals caution, and red tells you to reassess. With this system in your arsenal, you'll be equipped to conquer your exercises while keeping pain at bay.

Stay strong and keep moving forward!

Yours in health,


Physiotherapist, Blogger, and Proud PhysioDad


A Personal Update: