Don’t be a Hero, Dad.

Hey guys, as much as we wish there was, there’s no instruction manual that comes with these little things we call “children”. I’ll state the obvious here in that there comes some frustration with being a parent.

There were times when I have said to myself, and my wife, and possible screaming into a pillow at 2:30am: “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS KID?”. We had a lot of trouble getting our second child on a good sleep schedule.

There have been times when I have wondered whether my children would eat anything but crackers.

Did any actually go IN the mouth?

Did any actually go IN the mouth?

Man Cannot Live on Bread Alone...
Toddler: Challenge Accepted!”
— Toddler

Don’t be a hero, Dad. Get some professional help!

Believe it or not there are people who literally specialize in these types of issues. Time to swallow some pride, and seek out some professional advice!

Over the next few weeks I will be featuring blog posts from as many of these professionals I can find to help share some advice, and when in a crunch, be available to you should you need some help too!




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A Story for New Dads