Return to Running

Sometimes just getting out there to run is the easiest way of getting some exercise in. Especially when we are in the midst of a mild (insane) pandemic.

Look, it’s likely been a while since you’ve hit the pavement, and one thing you need to know is that how you progress back to running isn’t the same as you would for another activity such as cycling. You can’t just throw the runners on your feet and sneak 10km in, thats a recipe for injury.


“The impact and stress on your joints will limit your progression in running, not your cardiovascular capacity.”

For the first few weeks, you might not even feel like you’re getting a “work out” in. Choose to do something else if you can to supplement your returning to running to tax your cardiovascular system such as cycling, or rowing.

This Return to Run Program is for you if:

  • It’s been a few weeks or months since you’ve done any running

  • You’ve had even a minor injury while running


The Quick Fix for your Low Back Pain


Don’t be a Hero, Dad.