Welcome to Physiodad.com

Thanks for visiting my website, I hope you might find some useful information on here, or at the very least, just find a really good waffle recipe.

I’ve been meaning to put this website together for a few reasons: I’m finding the whole, being a dad thing, way harder than I had expected. From my unique perspective as a physiotherapist, athlete, and father, I thought I might share some of these experiences with you. 

Yes, that is me pumping iron with the big boy weights!

Yes, that is me pumping iron with the big boy weights!

A few things off the top:

  1. I am not an expert level dad: We’re all doing our best here. Hopefully you can learn from my (many) mistakes.

  2. I do know a thing or two about the body. I might have some insight into the physical challenges of being a dad.

  3. I am probably not your personal physiotherapist… yet! Most of the advice I give here is meant to be extremely general. If you’re in pain you would likely benefit from seeing a physiotherapist. You might find a good one here.

  4. Shout out to the Mammas/Partners. There is no way we could do this without you and nothing we ever discuss here is meant to diminish how important your role is in this adventure. To be honest, just because the message might be branded to one side of this equation, everything here is equally as relevant to you too.

I hope to be able to share some advice on things like, protecting your body from the physical challenges of fatherhood, particularly your back, neck, and shoulders. I hope that with some of the mental challenges of being a dad you might also find some of my articles helpful too. 




A Story for New Dads


My Top Three Pieces of Advice for New Dads.